Happy Birthday Yuuya!!
ハッピーバースデイゆうや!!2007年03月20日Happy Birthday Yuuya (^^)v
Today's Yuuya's birthday!! But, he's busy with the stage play, so yesterday we had a mini birthday celebration (^O^)
Recently he bought fitting clothes, so I gave him a certain brand's necklace as a present, and it seems like he likes it very much so he's gonna wear it everyday...
But Yuuya, it doesn't go well with the Ape hoodie so don't wear them together ( ̄□ ̄;)!!
Ah! By the way my birthday is August 7th okay (Laugh)
Anyway, all the best for the stage play tomorrow (>_<) I'll also do my best for Out Of Order on the 23rd and 26th! And, when the the play is over let's go to the karaoke!
Translated by aoi-nya
Appearing In Out Of Order!!
2007年03月16日アウト・オブ・オーダー出演します!!It's been a while!
Sorry I took such a long time to update. I think everyone already knew but... I'll be making a guest appearance in Out Of Order \(^O^)/
I'll be appearing with Yanagi... and it's actually my first stage play (^^ゞ
That's why, I'm still feeling kinda uneasy (@_@;)
But, since I'm gonna be doing it after all, I'll try my best to make it a perfect play!
Please come and watch it!
With that... I'll be going for rehearsals now (^^)v
Translated by aoi-nya